contact us

If you have any questions, need more information, or want to discuss our wooden floors, we are here to help. Please fill out the form below or contact us directly, and we will respond as soon as possible.

our contact information

Maderas wooden floors

Kraków, 30-684
Bieżanowska Str. 252a

help and support

If you need technical support, have questions about our wooden floors, or require detailed information about our products, please reach out to one of our specialists. Our experts are ready to assist you and provide the best solutions tailored to your needs.


Grzegorz Grodziński
tel.: +48 662 003 412


Aneta Dorabialska
tel.: +48 662 407 830

Technical Sales Advisor

Marcin Sikora
tel.: +48 600 133 796

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we're happy to help!

We recommend contacting us using the form below if you need technical support or have any other questions about our wooden flooring.

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